Katharina Kneip
Essen - 6.Sept.2016
Bonn - 2.Sept.2016
Dortmund - 4.Sept.2016
Trier - 30.Aug.2016
Koblenz - 2.Sept.2016
Mainz - 29.Aug.2016
Erfurt - 27.Aug.2016
Dresden - 25.Aug.2016
Leipzig - 24.Aug.2016
Münster - 22.Aug.2016
Who is aware of ourselves as huge spaces containing the most different things? Worlds and realities - universes where we can fly! Who is grateful for this? We are timebubbles - existing in individual speed and beauty - spaces belonging to noone but to ourselves. From outside we are products of our environment and society. Who will say: I lost myself in me?
„die HAUBEN“ is a project I made for travelling to different cities - to slow down the daily flow and then to continue wondering. There are six wooden hats resting in a special suitcase.
In August and September 2016 I visited public places in different cities and exhibitions, where you are used to see guided groups in the historic city center. Standing next to my open suitcase I asked passengers if they wanted to wear a hat and tried to find one more person to lead us - no one of us was able to see while wearing the hat.
The leading person could guide us for a few minutes around the place - the hats are comfortable with pillows, smooth wood, cosy and dark. They become our personal, imagined hideaways - the cover for a protected, seperated reality.
Then I was singing and the tubes lead the sound into the other hats - no text - I improvised on our situation - the hat was my helper in sharing. The participants could loose and maybe find themselves, as if they were inside the sound with their whole body - forgetting of how they look like and the place around them, loosing the feeling of distance and time.
We are alone in a group. A strange, alien band, trusting one person - the size of a bigger family. Parade and guided city tour. Back in our starting point the journey came to an end - as we took off our hats we were thrown back in continuation of the time before , not able to connect.
Before leaving every participant got the possibility to write down their adress and I sent a letter to them with a silkscreen on it. It´s a personal certificate of this journey - a reminder of our own timebubble-space.
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